Digg-style pagination

Digg-style pagination of queryset objects is really easy to implement. If Ajax pagination is not needed, all you have to do is modifying the template, e.g.:

{% load endless %}

{% paginate entries %}
{% for entry in entries %}
    {# your code to show the entry #}
{% endfor %}
{% show_pages %}

That’s it! As seen, the paginate template tag takes care of customizing the given queryset and the current template context. The show_pages one displays the page links allowing for navigation to other pages.

Page by page

If you only want to display previous and next links (in a page-by-page pagination) you have to use the lower level get_pages template tag, e.g.:

{% load endless %}

{% paginate entries %}
{% for entry in entries %}
    {# your code to show the entry #}
{% endfor %}
{% get_pages %}
{{ pages.previous }} {{ pages.next }}

Customization explains how to customize the arrows that go to previous and next pages.

Showing indexes

The get_pages template tag adds to the current template context a pages variable containing several methods that can be used to fully customize how the page links are displayed. For example, assume you want to show the indexes of the entries in the current page, followed by the total number of entries:

{% load endless %}

{% paginate entries %}
{% for entry in entries %}
    {# your code to show the entry #}
{% endfor %}
{% get_pages %}
Showing entries
{{ pages.current_start_index }}-{{ pages.current_end_index }} of
{{ pages.total_count }}.
{# Just print pages to render the Digg-style pagination. #}
{{ pages }}

Number of pages

You can use {{ pages|length }} to retrieve and display the pages count. A common use case is to change the layout or display additional info based on whether the page list contains more than one page. This can be achieved checking {% if pages|length > 1 %}, or, in a more convenient way, using {{ pages.paginated }}. For example, assume you want to change the layout, or display some info, only if the page list contains more than one page, i.e. the results are actually paginated:

{% load endless %}

{% paginate entries %}
{% for entry in entries %}
    {# your code to show the entry #}
{% endfor %}
{% get_pages %}
{% if pages.paginated %}
    Some info/layout to display only if the available
    objects span multiple pages...
    {{ pages }}
{% endif %}

Again, for a full overview of the get_pages and all the other template tags, see the Templatetags reference.

Adding Ajax

The view is exactly the same as the one used in Twitter-style Pagination:

from endless_pagination.decorators import page_template

@page_template('myapp/entry_index_page.html')  # just add this decorator
def entry_index(
        request, template='myapp/entry_index.html', extra_context=None):
    context = {
        'entries': Entry.objects.all(),
    if extra_context is not None:
    return render_to_response(
        template, context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

As seen before in Twitter-style Pagination, you have to split the templates, separating the main one from the fragment representing the single page. However, this time a container for the page template is also required and, by default, must be an element having a class named endless_page_template.

myapp/entry_index.html becomes:

    <div id="items" class="endless_page_template" v-endless-pagination>
        {% include page_template %}

    {% block js %}
        <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue/dist/vue.min.js"></script>
    <script src="{% static 'endless_pagination/js/module.endless.js' %}"></script>
    {% endblock %}

                            new Vue({
                                    el: '#items',

myapp/entry_index_page.html becomes:

{% load endless %}

{% paginate entries %}
{% for entry in entries %}
    {# your code to show the entry #}
{% endfor %}
{% show_pages %}


It is possible to manually override the container selector used by $.endlessPaginate() to update the page contents. This can be easily achieved by customizing the pageSelector option of directive endless-pagination, e.g.:

    <div id="entries" v-endless-pagination = {'pageSelector': 'div#entries'}>
        {% include page_template %}

    {% block js %}
        <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue/dist/vue.min.js"></script>
        <script src="{% static 'endless_pagination/js/module.endless.js' %}"></script>

                            new Vue({
                                    el: '#entries',
    {% endblock %}

See the JavaScript reference for a detailed explanation of how to integrate JavaScript and Ajax features in Django Endless Pagination Vue.